Read Top articles from the chess world

Articles that help you informed about the best chess practices, inspiring stories and achieve your goals
In the world of chess, we keep hearing this term GM. So, a few weeks back,…
I can’t sleep today…as i just came to know that dear Harshit made his final GM…
The game was about to begin. I was looking at my pawns wondering which one to…
In classical music, we often express that the lyrics, meaning and song are brilliantly composed. After…
Anatoly Karpov was the reigning world chess champion from 1975. In 1984, for the defense of…
When you are playing or watching chess, what do we typically expect a chess player to…
The term ‘VUCA world’ has become very common in management as well as general environments. The…
Currently we all are in the situation that we have neither imagined nor seen! More than…
Magnus Carlsen, a big name in the world of Chess – World Chess Champion (Classical, Rapid…
Possible Result of any Sport or Game?
What is the outcome of any sport or game?…
We all know Visvanathan Anand is a five times world chess champion. He has played many…
It says… “The brain has no limits” and one can agree with the same when seeing…

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